by | Apr 1, 2014 | Development, Employment
Because Ryatta is a small company, we go out of our way to make sure new hires will mesh well with our existing staff. The last time we hired, it was from the graduating class of a code-bootcamp, and it went something like this: Two stage interview Stage 1: You meet...
by | Mar 1, 2014 | Itinerary Booking, ROBE for Spa
Some customers find booking spa appointments online frustrating. This frustration is a serious problem, because after paying for your online booking solution, any guest who chooses not to use it reduces your ROI. They’re frustrated because most booking systems...
by | Feb 1, 2014 | Itinerary Booking, Luxury Theme, ROBE for Spa
Ryatta Group is excited to announce the newest theme for SpaDirect: Luxury. Luxury includes all the features that made our Card and Royal themes so successful: a mobile-friendly, responsive, very customizable design; direct and immediate access to spa...
by | Jan 30, 2014 | Development, Employment, ROBE for Spa, Spa Management
Welcome to the new, improved Ryatta Group website. We have made a huge number of improvements to the site, included updated content and a whole new design! On the site you will find: full coverage of our SpaDirect online spa booking platform including: our three...